
Down the Rabbit Hole | Waterco...

  • by Margaret Morales 1064

My version of Alice in Wonderland. Artwork was made possible thanks to my patrons at Patreon:

【花裡 FORi Flower 】聊聊花藝以外的事,經營這間...

  • by 花裡 FORi Flower 550

#花藝教學 #花店經營 #觀察問題解決問題 ▏花店,花藝以外的事 狗尾、貓尾、狼尾,這些竟然都是乾燥花材! 學員剛開始創作時,光買花材就困難重重,我觀察到幾個問題 : 1.整把的花材,花型在作品上難以想像 2.乾燥花顏色複雜,需要花大量時間尋找 3.顧客攜...

Max And Jello Shots??!!

  • by Mr. Max T.V. 910

Max helps me make some jello shots... well he just kind of throws everything while I try to make them.