
Painting a Purple Tulip with w...

  • by gee massam Art 918

A demonstration of how to paint a Purple 'Tulip Negrita' with 3 watercolour markers. For this Aquamarker tutorial, I show you how...

HUGE Fall and Halloween Nail H...

  • by Talia's Nail Tales 602

Today I share with you a bunch of new nail items that I have gotten into my nail studio recently! I share with you some background...

루루가 눈물을 흘렸어요...

  • by 크림히어로즈 897

지난 일요일에 라이브 스트리밍을 하는데 루루가 또 케이블을 물어뜯었어요. 결국 스트리밍을 중단할 수 밖에 없었어요. 아무래도 루루가 뭔가를 자꾸 씹고 싶어하는 것 같아서 루루에게 씹을만한 고양이껌?을 만들어 줬어요!

Whippy Smooth Chocolate Silk P...

  • by CupcakeJemma 631

Let's dive head first into the wonderful world of PIE! And what better place to start than this incredibly smooth, decadent Chocol...

Mr. Shibeman

  • by Rapid Liquid 3099

Old footage that shows what really happened back in October 1954. Ofc Mr.Shibeman and the tap burb were a very popular duo that sa...