
새로운 캣타워를 샀어요!

  • by 크림히어로즈 739

오늘은 티티 고양이 자리가 생겼으면 하는 마음에 새로운 캣타워를 만들었어요. 츄츄는 상자에 빠지고.. 루루는 또 사고를 치고... 오늘도 고양이들이 난리가 났어요!

Grand cabas et son patron

  • by l'atelier de couture de Perrine 945

Un cabas de belle taille ou sac de voyage pour un petit week-end ou un sac pour la gym. Je vous montre aussi comment poser une poc...

This was a bad idea! DIY bangs...

  • by haarminnaar TV 1362

Cutting your own bangs is not the hardest trick in the book, but June hasn't tried it before and she doesn't exactly have the righ...