
Нарциссы на ногтях/Весенний ди...

  • by Евгения Видиней 962

Нарциссы на ногтях/Весенний дизайн ногтей/ Роспись ногтей+ вертикальный градиент. Коротенькое видео по дизайну ногтей. Снято на те...

22 fashion & beauty words that...

  • by Justine Leconte officiel 1738

French is quite useful if you work in fashion or in the beauty industry. Here are 22 French words and their correct pronounciation...

Green Chile Bean Burrito

  • by ByronTalbott 2126

There's nothing like kicking off the new than learning a new recipe than can last you and your family a lifetime! This "Green Chil...

he not want walk

  • by Rapid Liquid 1743

The good bois are very sleepy and only want to sit and snooze ^^ . 1 like = 1 nugger and bepis to recharge doggo =)

はなのホイホイが羨ましかったまる。-Maru was env...

  • by mugumogu 581

もともとは『まるホイホイ』として作った箱ですが、最近ははなも気に入ってよく入っています。ただ、まるのように顔を穴からずっと出しているのは珍しいので撮っていたら――。 Hana loves the box, too. It is unusual that she...