

  • by 主婦のミシン 524

コンビニ弁当のレジ袋の作り方です、 マチの縫い方がポイントです❣️ 動画では100均ダイソーの布で作っていますが ナイロン生地でも良いですね、 必要な用尺は 84✖️46の生地で出来ます、 主婦のミシンブログ

Offloading Plants, Raking Mulc...

  • by Laura Eubanks 504

Feels good to get going on a new install! Unfortunately, the rocks weren't dropped off today because of some issues with the deliv...

Maybelline Superstay Matte Ink...

  • by BeautywithEmilyFox 750

Maybelline came out with a new Pink Edition/Collection 2020 for their Superstay Matte Ink Liquid Lipsticks so here's a lip and arm...

Gusano u Oruga de papel | Mold...

  • by PaoPao Crafts 3022

Hoy vamos a realizar un simpático 🌿🐛 Gusanito u Oruga de papel | Paper Caterpillar | Paper Worm 🐛🌿 puede ser una linda idea para r...