
Наращивание ногтей АКРИЛОМ с д...

  • by Nail Couture 697

Наращивание ногтей АКРИЛОМ с дизайном - Повторяю Свою Старую Работу В этом видео попробую сделать ремейк своей старой работы 2006 ...

2가지 식감의 연유 초콜릿 만들기 : Condensed...

  • by Cooking tree 쿠킹트리 805

식감이 다른 2가지 모양의 연유 초콜릿을 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡ ...

Spinach and Bacon Quiche Recip...

  • by Carina Stewart 1713

Enjoy a slice of spinach and bacon quiche for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This foolproof quiche recipe is easy to make and adapt ...

My BROTHER Makes My Soap Desig...

  • by Royalty Soaps 1134

Kenny is making cold process soap today AND piping soap frosting too!! It's a remake of Woodland Whimsy, a fan favorite from a for...

At Home Beauty: Roots, Nails, ...

  • by Dominique Sachse 862

Viewer asked! I'm going through all the tools you need to manage your at-home beauty: roots, nails, lashes and skin. Subscribe: ht...

Beauty Products Im Thankful Fo...

  • by Allie Glines 774

Be sure to use the code "ALLIE" or "HOLIDAY" for 20% OFF at (the 20% is for a limited time, afterwards you...

《真鰯(マイワシ)の佃煮とボストンマグロで 御飯とお酒【1】...

  • by Nara hirokazu 853

今日は 以前にもアップしておりますが 真鰯の佃煮を作るところを撮りました! 小さな真鰯をよく洗って鍋に入れたら 刺身醤油、水飴、お酢、お湯を入れて炊きだします 生姜を下ろした絞り汁を入れたら 落とし蓋をして濃い緑茶も入れて この日は 二時間半炊き一晩冷まし 翌...