Sleeping rabbit dreaming about...
A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin is sleeping and dreaming about eating something that makes him sneeze. The rabbit wakes up, s...
A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin is sleeping and dreaming about eating something that makes him sneeze. The rabbit wakes up, s...
This week on Basics I'm joined by chef Isaac Toups to show you how to make some amazing Cajun dishes: jambalaya, gumbo, dirty rice...
I watched a few videos where people were making Christmas decorations out of products from Poundland and also from Dollar Tree in ...
오렌지가 그대로 콕콕! 박혀 있어서 상큼한 느낌이 제대로에요! 이색적인 롤케이크 선물로 아주 좋은 비타민 롤케이크♥ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼더보기 버튼 꼭 클릭해주세요▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
樹脂粘土でバラと小花のリースを作りました。 ちっちゃいバラ作りはとても楽しい作業なので また作りたいです。 赤い実はアクリル絵の具にメディウムを混ぜて透明感とツヤ感を出しています。 チャンネル登録Twitterインスタグラムのフォローをお願いします。 http...
Howlite's main claim to fame is that it is soft which means it takes dye well. It's often used to imitate stones such as turquoise...
In this video I give an example on 2 needle native American beading techniques seedbeads, to make earrings, and a quick example o...
三匹ハリネズミを買っていますが深夜ちゃんを出産しました。 食べた形跡はないので生まれたのは一匹だけかな?! 匂いがついてしまうと親が食べてしまう危険があるので手袋と親の尿の匂いを付けて少しだけ触りました。 子供の泣き声を聞いてすぐに親が咥えて巣に帰っていく姿が...
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