

  • by 喵來啦 654

年底好忙碌,才剛剛過完菠蘿頭的生日,又要到SJA三個大孩子的生日啦!馬上又要過新年咯~趁著這個機會我決定帶著我家豬豬們出門拍個紀念寫真!【有貓生活】 TIPS:帶貓貓出門拍照需要看貓咪的性格、是否能外出等因素而定。為防止應激反應,在帶出門之前在家附近先進行小範...

Trying Mood Ring/Thermal Nails...

  • by HannahRoxNails 716

❤ Hi everyone! I'm re-uploading this video since initially I was misinformed when trying out this product. I wanted to add the new...

Anemones and Succulents Patter...

  • by Namaste Embroidery 1478

This is video tutorial to accompany my Anemones and Succulents Embroidery Pattern. Hopefully this video helps to clarify the stit...