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Hello everyone! In this video I'm showing how I imprint Air Dry Clay with different leaves and grasses and how I make jewellery t...
Hi, friends! Welcome back to the socially anxious side of YouTube :)
June/July 2020 Beauty Favourites! :)
Hi! Today I made four Winnie The Pooh character cakes. Enjoy watching and don´t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel (if you are not)...
🌸musubiyorカレンダー2019の詳細、予約はこちらをご覧ください →http://musubiyori.com/archives/4014 ✱Line@:猫好きなお友達募集中! 更新情報やYoutubeのやり方など、気軽にお送りします^^ ...
Silver Vine or Matatatabi sticks are known to be a cat stimulant, like catnip. They're also supposedly good for their teeth. In th...
Hi guys! Today I have a slightly different video for you today where I discuss certain techniques that I use to create thin and de...
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