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阿波尾鶏が購入できる特設ショップはこちら! https://6kitchen.shopselect.net/
Welcome to Day 12 of our collaboration Christmas Nail Art Series featuring Sarah’s Nail Secrets and I! Day 12 is titled “Christmas...
Ms.Yoo in NYC serves the whole stuffed bird as an ode to the chef's grandmother's cooking.
This Chocolate Pecan Pie is a rich chocolaty nutty dessert perfect for fall days and holiday season. Flaky buttery pie crust fille...
マグロのお刺身をコタローに一切あげてみました。 最初は可愛く手でちぎって食べてましたが、我慢できなくなったのか最後は大口でペロリと豪快にいってます。
Hello! Today you will learn to embroider decorative stitches, which give a touch of elegance where you use them. For example, cush...
Beauty gurus everywhere are destroying their makeup for one very good reason. Depotting makeup allows you to create your perfect s...
One of the last #AmandaClaus videos! Today we're lettering some handmade holiday cards! 🎄 Check out Skillshare: https://skl.sh/ama...
Making some christmassy Mickey ears while i cough my lungs out and also answer some November asks and mess around with my sister. ...
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