ぼっかけ焼きそば♪ 本気シリーズ㉕ Bokkake Yakisoba♪ Serious Series㉕

by papadesuyo777

ぼっかけ焼きそば♪ 本気シリーズ㉕ Bokkake Yakisoba♪ Serious Series㉕


神戸市長田区のご当地グルメのぼっかけやきそばの作り方の動画ですチャンネル登録はこちらから本気シリーズ㉔ 極王炒飯 フォローよろしくお願いします Please follow me How to make Bokkake Yakisoba It s a popular local dish in Nagata Ward Kobe City As it was very delicious when I ate it at Nagata Honjyo Ken 長田本庄軒 so I try to reproduce it in my own way Please Subscibe soon Serious Series㉔ Premium Fried Rice Please follow me I would appreciate it if you could add subtitles or title description for this video Thank you for your support Composition performance igrek U




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