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四角いフォルムが可愛いスクエアミニポーチを作ってみました 裏地は すっきり仕上げ I tried making a square mini pouch whose square form is cute Lining Clear finish 型紙はこちら 印刷A4 型紙ご利用の方は チャンネル登録してね Please subscribe to my channnel
소울이가 저를 너무 좋아해서 탈이네요
오늘은 티티의 하루를 카메라에 담아봤어요. 티티는 늘 저만 바라보고 저만 기다리는 것 같아요. 티티에게 신경써 주지 못해서 미안한 마음이 들어요.
Well dang it, if strawberries and meringues aren't the BEST things in the world to eat together! Which is why this cupcake has bee...
Hey everyone :) todays topic is my new kitten Lexa. I made the tipi tent just for 11 dollars and its look amazing in the livingroo...
http://www.beadaholique.com/brands/nunn-design.html - In this video Becky Nunn of Nunn Design shows you how to make unique pendant...
春の終わりに葉挿しをした苗、 根が出ているので植え直しします。 今回も、海をイメージした ジオラマスタイルで作りました。
Am I too late to jump on this bandwagon? :D haha My friend sometimes use to leave me little doodles without telling me, so it's al...
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