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36개월 할부로 고양이 장난감을 샀어요!

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오늘은 디디와 루루에게 새 차를 구경시켜줬어요! 티티가 편집 고양이의 차에 쉬를 했던 적이 있어요. 편집 고양이에게 미안한 마음에 고민하다 이번에 자동차를 구하게 되었어요. 고양이들도 새 차에 익숙해지려면 조금 시간이 필요할 것 같아...

How to Make the Modern Eleganc...

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http://www.beadaholique.com/jewelry-making-kits/exclusive-beadaholique-kits - In this video learn how to make the Modern Elegance ...

ABH Riviera + Morphe X James C...

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Buy my Sigma brush set here! https://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/240752/146780/2835?u=https://www.sigmabeauty.com/excluded-products-fr...


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hey guys! Today I wanted to remove my makeup and just hang out and chat about my current skincare routine, I got a skincare fridge...

Crochet jasmin beret by Oana

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Crochet jasmin beret. In this tutorial, Oana teaches you how to crochet a lovley beret with the jasmin stitch and a beautiful colo...