不只媲美專櫃!! 2017開架唇彩TOP 10 (不看妳會後...
終於調整好顏色了嗚嗚 之前這隻因為很多人反應色差問題,所以調整過後重新上架 有些色差比較大的有重新在不同光源拍, 希望能給大家更多參考 ✌ More Catie ⇊ ----------------------------------------------...
时间飞逝 眼看着再过几个小时 2020年就要接替2019啦 特别2020年是鼠年 咱们家芝麻的本命年 为了庆祝它到我们家的第一个新年 我们给四个孩子都完成了他们的新年愿望 又看到了百事可乐为了2020鼠年特意打造的新年微电影 超级好玩 所以咱们芝麻的新年愿望非常特别哦 跟我们一起来看看吧
終於調整好顏色了嗚嗚 之前這隻因為很多人反應色差問題,所以調整過後重新上架 有些色差比較大的有重新在不同光源拍, 希望能給大家更多參考 ✌ More Catie ⇊ ----------------------------------------------...
Since it's December, I figured we should make Christmas ornaments! But.. I brought my husband on with me so we made a bunch of orn...
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Brainstorming, sketching and painting for my upcoming mini-solo exhibition, FLOOD! I'm making 8 new paintings for the show, which ...
The cats on the street need us a lot these days. When people run away from the virus, they ignore these cats. They don't see these...
Hey everyone! I hope you like this as much as I like all of you.
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I just landed back home from my vacation in Bora Bora and HAD to test out the infamous KKW Beauty powder contour & highlight kits!...
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