Satin Stitch Succulent Embroid...
Conquer the satin stitch with this beautiful succulent free embroidery pattern. I've filmed a few tips that will hopefully make d...
額頭那是一道疤 不是粉底沒有推勻 發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔 感謝 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱 我們下支影片再見囉 Follow my Instagram tang_ful for more makeup look mail tangfulmade gmail com 隱眼 Geo Beloved Brown 項鍊 戒指 Select studioS925純銀凹面水滴項鍊簡約打結纏繞戒指產品資訊 3INA 高修片妝前凝露The Face Shop貼妝持久粉底液 SPF30 PA N201 N203CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Concealer 3 BY 4 BOSUQQU晶采柔膚蜜粉 霧面粉紫I M MEME我愛修修小V臉修容盤MISSHA Cotton Contour Smoked HazelETUDE HOUSE 普羅旺斯薰衣草眼彩盤Tha saem saemmul 單色腮紅CR02 OR03 OR04 RD02 RD033CE Strobing Skin PaletteCLIO PRISM AIR HIGHLIGHTER 01 Gold SheerMISSHA 義想曲晶璨編織眼影 11 Vanilla SugarJUNG SAEM MOOL 大理石高光打亮餅Artist Glow Touch WarmLAKA 絲絨霧面唇膏SMOOTH MATTE LIPSTICK Scott CharlieLAKA 零唇紋潤唇膏 LIPSTERY 11 Harry 拍影片時不知道LAKA已經有代理 這不是合作影片 影片中出現的色號也都是我自己購入的喔 hince MOOD ENHANCER MATTE LIPSTICK Timeless Above Passion Flair hince MOOD ENHANCER SHEER LIPSTICK S001 In The Moment刷具 Fillimilli V cut Foundation Brush 822JAJU MAKEUP SPONGECozzette Beauty S120Fillimilli Big Fan Brush 851空山新雨 GP15Fillimilli Base Eye Shadow Brush 550琴制 夜樺02Fillimilli Blending Brush 530Fillimilli Small Eyeshadow Brush 512空山新雨 09艾諾琪 M210 Music Camera Canon 80DMy skin type normal to oil我的膚質 混合偏油 非合作影片
Conquer the satin stitch with this beautiful succulent free embroidery pattern. I've filmed a few tips that will hopefully make d...
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British Vogue Contributing Beauty Editor, Charlotte Tilbury gives a make-up masterclass on how she created a radiant complexion an...
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