室生寺と石楠花 : Muro-ji Temple and Rhododendron(Nara, Japan)

by Anna Film Production

室生寺と石楠花 : Muro-ji Temple and Rhododendron(Nara, Japan)


シャクナゲの咲き始めた室生寺を撮影いたしました 奥の院へ続く階段は その長さと急勾配に圧倒されました Murō ji 室生寺 is a temple of Omoto school of Shingon Buddhism located in the city of Uda Nara Japan Murō ji shows its typical aspect of Shingon Buddhism with its buildings laid on the mountainside of Mount Murō 室生山 Murō yama Unlike many temples of the time Murō ji was opened to females For that reason the temple is also called Mount Kōya for women



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提供: ZEESEA ZEESEAコスメは厚生労働省の認証を得ています。 公式サイト購入チャネル HP(20%割コード: AMIBEAUTY):https://bit.ly/2N4huKu JP Amazon(10%割コード: DIST7TV7 ):https...