This batch of soap is made for the January Soap Challenge Club The weather in Taiwan is cozy even in the coldest winter there are plants everywhere I created a lot of plasters with different plants but most of them are having very light texture and I was satisfied with this leaf only I copied 9 silicon mats with the same plaster and finished this batch of soap with different color combination
Hi Everyone! It's so hard to believe that Fall is nearly here, but it is! The light is changing fast and I'm feeling that crisp in...
Calligraphy on sand: Roman Capitals Calligraphy x FrakOne LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!!!!
고양이들에게 커다란 엄마고양이 혓바닥은 어떤 느낌일까요? 오늘은 고양이들에게 빗 대신 칫솔로 그루밍을 해주었어요. 그루밍보다 양치질이 시급한 똥고양이도 있었지만요!
You thought my S'mores Brownie couldn't get any better? Think again, buster! Since I created that treat way back when, it's been t...
カカオ ! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ ベリーのほのかな酸味が加わった甘い香りのブロンディ(ホワイトチョコのブラウニー)です。 簡単でクセになる美味しさです。 書籍購入の方に期間限定で公開していたメニューを全体公開にしました。
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