
by BBL2011



CANON EOS 1DX MarkIIにて4K 4K60fps とiPhoneで撮影したものをPowerDirectorで4K30fpsにエンコード 1DX MarkII EF24 70mm F2 8L II USM DM E1 この動画はYouTubeのこのチャンネルでのみ公開しています 他のBuzzVideoなどには公開していません



Testing Out The Jaclyn Hill Mo...

  • by Desi Perkins 982

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Dry kitten Street after bath

  • by Kitten Street 1061

The first bathing for street kitten was calm. But now we need to dry it, because the kitten is very small and he can not be wet fo...


  • by 川畑杏奈 annas 1572

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해오라비난초 2 스티치가든 프랑스자수

  • by stitch garden 880

#섀도우스티치 를 응용해서 잎을 수 놓아 보았어요 뒤에서 보면 섀도우 스티치 앞에서 보면 #해링본스티치 입니다 #스티치기법 을 배우시는 분들에게 도움이 되길 바랍니다