Ethiopian Food - The ONE DISH ...
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箱に入っているまる Maru is in the box
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日本のドラックストアで【乾燥敏感肌用】として売られてる ”無添加系”コスメの中、乳液6種類の成分をチェックしてみました!
달고나 생크림은 대박입니다.!!! 추억의 달고나… 라기엔 아직도 너무 인기 많은 길거리 과자 이네요. 지금은 달고나가 대명사 처럼 되었지만, 저 어릴때는 뽑기라고 불렸어요. 지역마다 부르는 이름이 달랐더라고요. ㅎㅎㅎ
Zipped pocket, elasticated pocket and a zipped panel, this tote bag is so useful for work, baby, the gym or a weekend away! It's q...
A range of new Glossier products launched this year and I finally got to try some on a trip to the US. Meet Berry and Mango Balm D...
Nigella shares her foolproof guide to stress-free festive cooking and easy entertaining.
ももです。 大好きなパパに怒られると、分かりやすく凹むとです。 ももです…ももです…ももです…
In this drawing I enjoyed cramming the lines in all close and tight together, smushing them in like sardines in a can.
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