I'm sorry I kept this hidden for so long ... xo's ~ Tati
BGM channel by h mix 秋山裕和 公式チャンネル
I'm sorry I kept this hidden for so long ... xo's ~ Tati
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
SHOP MY PRODUCTS HERE: https://tammytaylornails.com/
ツリーと星のバターケーキ | Christmas butter cake
REPLAY: It's Birthday Bash Week! Join Jenny and Misty as they create some party pennants to help decorate for our 10th Birthday Ba...
Multi Window Shaker Card Tutorial This video is sponsored by Rubber Stamp Tapestry https://pegstamps.com/ use coupon code: FRUGALA...
Today we are making scooby a Halloween costume! New Video's Fridays & Sundays and sometimes Tuesdays !! Instagram: @miamaples Sn...
#Kittisaurus These days, some of my cats (looking at you, LuLu) get in my way when I play games! So I jogged my memories and made ...
안녕하세요~ 키미예요. 😊 이번 영상은 6월의 제철인 오디로 만들어 먹은것. 마당 텃밭에 몇가지 씨앗을 심고, 과일 열매 솎는 시골 일상입니다.
お風呂を頑張ってくれたのでいつものドライささみをあげました。今日あげたので最後なのでまた補充しておかないとですね!ふたりともちゅ〜るの次くらいにささみが好きなので、喜んでくれたはずです^^ あと、しまちゃんは避妊手術をしたばかりなのでお風呂はだいぶ先にする予定...
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