すいかねこ 190819
简介 曼食慢语最近去逛超市看到好多南瓜 高的矮的胖的瘦的 颜色也都不一样 实在觉得很可爱 就买了一些回来 甜甜糯糯的南瓜里塞入米饭蒸熟 就会带有南瓜的香甜味道 再配上南洋风味的鸡肉咖喱 酸 甜 辣的味道融合在一起 两三口就能吃掉一整个南瓜饭 配料小南瓜 2个大米一杯鸡腿 2个胡萝卜 半根洋葱 1 4个土豆 半个番茄 1个红薯 半个香茅 1根青柠檬 1个红辣椒3个咖喱粉 1大勺椰子油 2大勺椰浆 100毫升生抽 2大勺老抽 1小勺香菜 随意 相关视频列表淘宝店铺 曼食慢语新浪微博 Amanda的小厨房微信公众号 amandatastes
#Kittisaurus #Kitten I’ve decided to take in the new cat family! I’ll do my best to make sure my 10 cats are always happy.
久しぶり?のブルーメイク😍💙 一目惚れしたvisee AVANTのシングルアイカラーを使ってちょっと濃いめの大人なブルーメイクをしてみました💠✨ブルーで遊びながら馴染みやすいようにメイクするのがすごく楽しかったああ😍!ブルーのライン次第で普段にも使えるのでぜひ...
큰맘먹고(큰비용 ㅜㅜ) 8코기들 건강검진을 했는데 시작과 동시에 병원 복도를 접수 해 버렸습니다. ;; 어딜가나 규모가 규모인지라.. 배려해 주시는 분들께 늘 감사한 마음입니다. 꾸벅..🙇🏻♀️
Hi sisters! Today we're trying out four insanely complicated makeup looks from some of the top beauty YouTubers for our beauty mon...
Hey sweeties, as promised here is the tutorial on how to make Royal Icing Flowers and how I store them for future use. This is the...
Sponsored | Love sleek, streamlined kitchens? Get the look with Fisher & Paykel’s new integrated column refrigerators and freezers...
En este video os enseño como pintar mandalas con acrilicos utilizando la tecnica del puntillismo. Vamos a pintar un mandala con el...
Go ahead! Laugh! Life happens😊 It's Your Succulent "Dip" of The Day! With Laura Eubanks at Design for Serenity.
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