Bead & Button Show Haul 2019 -...
In this weeks Must Know Monday video, Kelly shows off some goodies she got from the recent Bead & Button show in Milwaukee, Wiscon...
今回はカステラからミニチュアケーキを作りました 小さくてもとても味は美味しいケーキです MiniatureShopAAAWe provide miniature kitchen and kitchen tools such as kitchen knife the movies of miniature cooking are very popular on You tube now We produce edible miniature dishes All of the kichien we use cooking ingredients small articles arebought in Japan As we don t use English there will be the cases we can t answer thequestions if you give Please forgive us Be careful that we don t get the Facebook pages open Business emailEmail aaajoken yahoo co jp
In this weeks Must Know Monday video, Kelly shows off some goodies she got from the recent Bead & Button show in Milwaukee, Wiscon...
회사원입니다! 친구들! 헤이지니님이 회사원네 놀러왔어요~ 어린이용 화장품을 이용해서 헤이지니님이랑 화장놀이를 해 봤답니다!
Hello, friends! Today we are making a flower in Kanzashi technique. Use the circular petal. Main materials: pocket tissue and ther...
【動画で使用したアイテム】 ファーミネーター 大型猫 長毛種用
Bini wants to meet his hoppers in real life! And it's going to be in LA! You are invited to the premiere of Bini's best video on Y...
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この時季には 脂が抜けて パサパサの物が多い 石鯛ですが この魚は 五十㎝ 二、五㎏と立派な姿です。 捌いてみると 脂がしっかり乗って どう料理しても美味しいこと間違いなしというものでした。 久しぶりの石鯛に 私の方が興奮してしまい 三枚に下ろすところを...
生後9日目の体重測定です^^ みんなカメラに向かってあご乗せする様子に癒されます♬
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