계절과자점 두번째 영상은 딸기를 주제로 찍어봤어요 트라이플은 과일 스폰지케이크 젤리 크림등을 켜켜이 쌓아 만드는 영국 디저트예요 영상에서는 구슬딸기라 부르는 작은 딸기와 하얀색 딸기 2가지를 사용했어요 하얀딸기는 신기해서 처음 사봤는데 생각보다 맛은 별로더라고요 약간 밍밍하달까 저는 빵집에서 판매하는 카스테라를 사용했는데 스폰지케이크나 다른 쉬폰케이크를 사용하셔도 상관없어요 다음 계절과자점은 어떤 재료를 이용해 찍어볼까요 Finally I m back with the 2nd season bakery video themed strawberry Actually strawberry is not winter fruit But we can buy it at market from winter to spring in Korea The trifle is a British dessert which is fruits sponge cake jelly and cream layered in a large bowl In this video I used 2 types of strawberries small strawberries and white strawberries I bought white strawberries for the first time But they were too bland And I used store bought castella but you can use other sponge cake What do you want for the next Season Bakery Music Eternal Hope이 노래를 무료로 사용하고 동영상으로 수익을 창출할 수 있지만 동영상 설명에 다음을 포함해야 합니다 꿀키의 맛있는 테이블TWITTER honeykkicookINSTAGRAM honey_kkiE MAIL andrabbit naver com이 영상의 다운로드 및 2차 편집을 금지합니다
Translation will be available shortly. カカオ ! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ 今回は夏という事でティラミスアイスクリームを作ってみました。 クリーミーでなめらか、甘さ控え目、上品で濃厚な味になりました。 今まで作ったメニュ...
Kemosabe fruit experiment is a success! What does he like best? In this episode Jessi learns which fruit Kemo won't eat and which ...
It's time for the galactic & crystal soap of the Cosmic Fairytale Collection. This is the soap that inspired the whole theme this ...
食後すぐトイレ、健康的な豆大福が可愛いです♬ トイレのしつけはこんな感じでやってました^^ にゃーにゃーいうと大体、ご飯かトイレだったので分かりやすかったです。。。
Hi Loves! I Hope you all enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it for you. If you would like me to make a tutorial showing ...
It is the second day of river camp at Noro Lodge. Ayt has not been able to swim without hard training. Everything needs practice.
Check out more projects in the My Garden App http://mgro.co/buzzfeed
FB粉絲團 https://goo.gl/3buH6u 有聽覺障礙的觀眾朋友提出希望有字幕,我也希望可以加上字幕讓有這方面需求的朋友可以更方便,但是因為我實在沒有時間可以加字幕,所以希望麻煩有時間的觀眾朋友如果願意的話幫忙我加上字幕,要編輯某支影片字幕的人可以...
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