NOVEMBER FAVS 2019 | Skincare,...
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구독과 좋아요 언제나 감사합니다 3 이제이예요 블루베리가 엄청 많이 생겨서 한번 만들어본 블루베리 크럼블 타르트 블루베리랑 크럼블만해도 맛있는데 타르트로 변신 저는 아이스크림을 꼭 얹어먹고싶어서 달지않게 만들었는데요 아이스크림없이도 달달한 크럼블타르트 레시피는 같이 더보기에 올려놓을께요 블루베리 가득가득 크럼블타르트 맛있게 만들어드세여 제가 만든 블루베리 크럼블 타르트는 달지않아요 달게 먹고싶은분들은 블루베리에 설탕을 섞은 후에 만들어주세요 설탕을 넣은 레시피는 더보기에 같이 적어놓을께요 This blueberry crumble tarte is not that sweet but if you want to have sweeter flavor mix blueberries with sugar then use as an ingredient I will write more about recipe with more sugar in the description 블루베리 크럼블 타르트 만들기 how to make Blueberry crumble tarte 이제이레시피 EJ recipe재료 깊은 2호 타르트틀타르트지 박력분 150g 버터 60g 슈가파우더 35g 계란 1 2개 소금 한꼬집크럼블버터 20g 땅콩버터 10g 박력분 60g 설탕 30g 계란 2큰술 블루베리 넉넉히 달달한 레시피 Sweet recipe블루베리 1컵반 설탕 40g 전분 1큰술 1C 1 2 Blueberry 40g sugar 1T starch DIA TV Network에 소속된 크리에이터로서DIA TV와 Modoocom간의 라이선스 계약에 의해본 음원 콘텐츠를 사용하였습니다 As a creator partnered with DIA TV network I ve used a music source that is proven by the copyrightlisence between DIA TV and MODOOCOM Hello welcome to EJ recipe s channel I m living in S Korea I make easy Korean foods pretty dessert and foods from movies etc Get involved and subscribe for the latest Big Love
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Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies that are Paleo and Gluten free and no refined sugar! These chocolate chip cookies are great healthy...
爆睡する豆大福が超かわいいです^^ 恒例の家族総出のいたずらが始まります(汗) 可愛すぎるのでついついやってしまいます♬
This is our last video with Cody and Cash, they are both got adopted and are leaving today to their forever family. I am super hap...
This is a project from my book, Sew Advent Calendars, using the brand new Butterick sewing machine and fabric from The Craft Cotto...
This is so cute and adorable! When both of them cobine together, we get fun and cuteness overload! It might not be us funny as som...
We grew a garden just for our hamster, watch him explore it for the very first time! Check out the pinned comment for more informa...
Have fabric scraps?Here's the way to use them up! |如何运用碎布录制滚边布条#HandyMum【04】
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