An Autumn Tag //
Here's a little autumn tag! Feel free to answer the questions yourself! I would link more autumn shows and movies but i'm much too...
도안 Free pattern download
Here's a little autumn tag! Feel free to answer the questions yourself! I would link more autumn shows and movies but i'm much too...
前回の編みつけ用のレザー底ですが、 ( ) こんな感じで進んでいます☺️人気の夏糸、「エコアンダリヤ」で編んでいますが、 針のサイズを変更したのでひとまずお知らせです。
Thanks for watching my latest video!
Video tutorial for the Autumn Wreath embroidery pattern and kit. Discussing pattern transfer options and stitches used in the patt...
Lots of process sketches in today's video!! Hope you enjoy the additional pencil footage. Have an awesome day!
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Kohachannel LINE着せ替えはこちら
We tried making this recipe and the chocolate bar shape is cute. As it is eaten cool like a rich ganache, it is perfect for the su...
Debatably the best street food in Jamaica. Jerk Chicken is usually roasted over more than one meter distance over the fire/charcoa...
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