22-Course THAI FOOD! | Rare Ingredients at Sorn (ศรณ์) | Best Restaurants in Bangkok!

by Mark Wiens

22-Course THAI FOOD! | Rare Ingredients at Sorn (ศรณ์) | Best Restaurants in Bangkok!


I had a special opportunity to eat at Sorn ศรณ a newly opened fine dining Thai restaurant the only of its kind in Bangkok specializing in only Southern Thai food And since Southern Thai food is my personal favorite regional variations of Thai cuisine my wife is from the South of Thailand I was very very excited Sorn ศรณ Restaurant is set in a beautifully restored home just on the back side of Phrom Phong It s like a museum when you step inside filled with history of Southern Thailand the people food ingredients and tools used One of the greatest things about Sorn ศรณ and owners and chefs is that they don t take any shortcuts All the chili curry pastes which form the base for many dishes are pounded by hand making sure everything has maximum flavor potential Even the rice is cooked in a claypot traditional style that s very rare to find anymore Additionally 99 9 of the ingredients are not just from Thailand but sourced directly from Southern Thailand Some of the ingredients are impossible to find in Bangkok and only seasonally available in a tiny region of Southern Thailand Chef Yod and Khun Ice have done extensive research and traveling around Thailand sourcing only the best ingredients and it really shows Here are some of the 22 dishes there were a few other dishes as well that I didn t include to save time we ate in this fine dining Southern Thai food experience Cashew nut relish น ำพร กกากหม Sand mole crabs จ กจ นทะเล 2 C Lobster ก งม งกร 7ส Lobster claw and head curry จอแหร ง Gems on crab stick กรรช เป ยง Grilled southern beef เน อกอและ Rice mix ข าวยำ Grilled chili paste น ำช บพรก Yellow curry แกงเหล อง Fish innards curry แกงไตปลา Stink beans and squid ผ ดสะตอ Clear soup แกงจ ดล กรอก Grilled crispy pork ค วกล งหม ย าง Coconut rice shrimp curry ข าวม นแกง Torch ginger flower sorbet ล างปาก Mutant coconut ice cream ไอต มน ำตาลมะพร าว Fruits and ice ส มฉ น It was an incredible meal with some ingredients I had never seen or tried before What s unique and fascinating about Sorn ศรณ Restaurant is that they ve taken Southern Thai food and adapted it into a fine dining environment by sourcing top ingredients and keeping things traditional while occasionally using modern technique to increase flavor and quality It s a high end gourmet Thai meal experience and it was a real treat Thank you again to CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you



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