Kiwi Fruit Sheet Sponge Cake シ...
We made a cake by placing kiwis on a baking tray, pouring batter over them and baking. This cake is self-decorating! This is part ...
ミルクティー Milk Tea 20g 紅茶 Black tea 220ml ミルク Milk シフォンケーキ Gato 3 卵 Egg 70g 小麦粉 Flour 50ml ミルクティー Milk tea 20g 食用油 Oil 1 2 tsp 紅茶 Black tea 70g 砂糖 Sugar ケーキ Sauce 110g ミルクティー Milk tea 1 卵黄 Egg yolk 35g クリームチーズ Cream cheese 40g 砂糖 Sugar 5g コーンスターチ Corn starch 100g ホイップクリーム Whipping Follow me on Playlist Other Channel
We made a cake by placing kiwis on a baking tray, pouring batter over them and baking. This cake is self-decorating! This is part ...
Paint oranges with me and practice your watercolor skills! Subscribe to my channel so you never miss a new video:
Our tiny tapir isn’t so tiny anymore. 🍉 Kazu the endangered Malayan tapir celebrated his first birthday yesterday. Here’s a throwb...
Hello friends! I am grateful to Bramble Berry for sending their latest collection to me! This Hygge Collection is right up my alle...
안녕하세요 여러분, 그간 저희 반려가족들의 펫로그를 제작하면서 사용하지 않은 ‘B컷’ 영상을 모아 영상을 한번 만들겠다고 말씀드려왔습니다. 오늘 올리는 영상은 그렇게 쌓인 설이의 6개월간의 영상을 모아 만든, 평생 강아지만 키워본 사...
I got a new camera and we check up on the puppies! They don't seem to like their milk.. DANIEL:
何言ってるかよくわからない選挙カーが通った時の何とも言えないハナの表情。 ポリポリ党のマックコタローが都知事選に出馬するとかしないとか。 ちなみに最後ハナがあくびした時に奥歯が黄色くなってるのはカリカリの食べカスです。 水に入ったら綺麗に取れます。 虫歯じゃな...
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