エッグトーストクッキー♡ | Egg toast Cooki...
エッグトーストクッキー♡ | Egg toast Cookies
字幕由 Sherry 認領編輯 由於法律問題 參考置頂留言 活動取消 對大家感到很抱歉本來已經把G單連結拿掉了 但是有觀眾反應希望藉G單留言給我 所以把連結放回來 私人資訊都不用填寫了喔 留言我都會看 有聽覺障礙的觀眾朋友提出希望有字幕 我也希望可以加上字幕讓有這方面需求的朋友可以更方便 但是因為我實在沒有時間可以加字幕 所以希望麻煩有時間的觀眾朋友如果願意的話幫忙我加上字幕 要編輯某支影片字幕的人可以先用facebook私訊我認領影片 然後我會在該影片資訊欄第一行寫該影片由某某人 綽號也可以 純粹想讓大家知道要謝謝哪位辛苦的觀眾XD 認領字幕了 這樣就不會有重複加字幕害大家做白工的問題了 謝謝大家 __10 g Chamomile infused sweet almond oil 洋甘菊浸泡甜杏仁油10 g Unrefined cocoa butter 未精緻可可脂10 g Mango butter 芒果脂10 g Beeswax 蜜蠟0 8 g Menthol 薄荷腦影片中產品皆為本人自行購買__影片中使用音樂為YouTube免費提供MinstrelHyperfunHandTrolley__我的膚質轉變為乾肌了 肌膚不穩定的時候或生理期前會更乾 皮膚很薄所以容易泛紅膚色大約是MAC NC20Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Full Coverage Foundation Light SandMake Up For Ever ULTRA HD FOUNDATION Fluid foundation Y245SUQQU Frame Fix Liquid Foundation Lightness 102Urban Decay Naked Skin Weightless Ultra Definition Liquid Makeup 3 0FENTY BEAUTY Match Stix Bamboorms beauty UN Cover Up 223CE Love 3CE Baby Glow Cushion 002
エッグトーストクッキー♡ | Egg toast Cookies
Dixie wants to go upstairs to the 'fox bedroom'. But Waverly knows it's her turn to have the upstairs so she's going to stand her ...
Testing out new makeup products from RARE BEAUTY, a new cosmetics line by Selena Gomez ...lots of requests for this one! I purchas...
Hey, guys.
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Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
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august is a month for explorations and art-in for myself. in this video, i am completing a triptych of paintings -- "rocks and bou...
They always say, "Once your start contouring, you can't stop"; "Once you wear false lashes, you can't NOT". Can't not...? Whatever...
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