のせ猫 x 紫キャベツ帽子 Cabbage purple 1...
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Chinese Street Food in Chengdu China is the BEST in the WORLD In this Chinese street food tour of Chengdu China we re bringing you to eat at 4 classic Chengdu foods Chinese cooking is some of the best in the world and in Chengdu China the cuisine is world famously known as Sichuan cuisine or Szechuan cuisine It is spicy and numbing and covered in delicious Chili oil I moved here to Chengdu specifically to be able to eat spicy and delicious Chinese street foods In this Chinese street food tour video we re starting out with one of China s most famous foods DUMPLINGS In Chengdu they are different from the rest of China Here they are boiled and covered in a thick and spicy chili oil that leaves you so SATISFIED These are some of the most satisfying dumplings ever I must admit though the filling could have been more plump If you are traveling to Chengdu to eat Szechuan cuisine I would personally recommend trying the red chili oil wontons first And after those amazing dumplings in Chengdu we re eating another famous dish in Sichuan cuisine RABBIT Eating rabbit is very famous in Sichuan and here in Chengdu locals love it in a numbing and spicy Szechuan Sauce But we wanted to try a more UNIQUE style of eating rabbit in Sichuan on top of noodles So we visited a local rabbit noodle joint and ate a couple unique bowls of Chinese Sichuan noodles The first was the rabbit noodles where the rabbit is served to you in thin slices covered in chilies ginger and onions You then pour it over top of your thick and spicy chili oil broth noodle bowl It was absolutely delicious The next bowl of spicy noodles that we ordered was the beef noodle soup red braised beef noodle soup Super delicious and spicy After eating those 2 bowls of delicious Sichuan noodles we are bringing you to a nice original fly restaurant of Chengdu Mingting fandian The fly restaurants of Chengdu are old locations that are sometimes less than cleanly but have incredible food Nowadays most fly restaurants in Chengdu are actually really clean and you don t have to worry about getting sick from eating the street food At mingting restaurant we ordered a river carp spicy pork blood spare ribs fried sticky rice strips Sichuan sausages twice cooked pork and pig brain tofu It was all incredibly delicious And for our final meal in this Chinese street food tour of Chengdu China we re going for one of the most famous foods to try in Sichuan HOT POT We found a local 9 section hot pot that serves spicy and delicious hot pot and is always busy For detailed addresses to these restaurants and street foods make sure to visit my full Chinese food guide to Chengdu China You can follow along on the Chengdu food tour map and take yourself on a Foodrangin adventure The Food Ranger Trevor James YouTube www youtube com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger Instagram www instagram com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger FB www facebook com thefoodranger BEST VPN FOR CHINA ACCESS YOUTUBE In the next video we re going for even more street food around the world Thanks so much for watching all of my street food tour videos Make sure to subscribe to this video
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