Coffee Sponge Cupcake 咖啡海綿杯蛋糕|Apron

by Apron

Coffee Sponge Cupcake 咖啡海綿杯蛋糕|Apron


Coffee Sponge Cupcake 咖啡海綿杯蛋糕 Apron植物油 vegetable oil 30ml低筋面粉 cake flour 40g 3Tbsp泡打粉 baking powder 1 4tsp盐 salt 1 4tsp鮮奶 fresh milk 30ml蛋黄 egg yolk 3即溶咖啡 instant coffee 3tsp溫水 warm water 3tsp蛋白 egg whites 3细砂糖 sugar 45g 6Tbsp柠檬汁 lemon juice 1tsp瑪芬杯 muffins cup 6摄氏130 华氏266 烘烤 50 60分钟Bake at 130 C 266 F for 50 60minutesPlease leave a LIKE and SHARE this video SUBSCRIBE my YouTube Channelfor more videos and clicked the bell so you don t miss any of my videosMy ChannelSecond ChannelBlogAll of my video will only be uploaded on YouTubeProhibit unauthorized theft secondary editing and re upload of videos我所有的视频只上传到YouTube禁止未经授权的盗窃 二次编辑和重新上传视频 Cake 蛋糕 Apron




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