曦遊記travel with elva - Tokyo東京素...
前陣子去東京工作,然後和好友多留了兩天一起吃喝玩樂~ 開頭還擔心在日本沒什麼可以吃,可沒想到,在東京待的那幾天,竟然讓我找到幾家提供素食的餐廳,而且超美味的,真是太開心了!迫不及待地想和你們分享一下~
I made MAKEUP TRAVEL BAG today It is easy to make and practical Share this video with a lot of people who need it Have a good time Finished size 23 9 W 13 5⅛ H 8 3⅛ DMaterialsOuter layer fabric 38 20 5 15 8⅛ 1 25 34 5 9⅞ 13¾ 1 8 26 3⅛ 10¼ 1Lining fabric 38 20 5 15 8⅛ 1 25 34 5 9⅞ 13¾ 1 24 28 9½ 11 1 15 14 6 5½ 2 19 21 7½ 8¼ 1Zipper 18 7⅛ 38 15 View other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound littleidea sewingtimes diypouchbag makeupbag
前陣子去東京工作,然後和好友多留了兩天一起吃喝玩樂~ 開頭還擔心在日本沒什麼可以吃,可沒想到,在東京待的那幾天,竟然讓我找到幾家提供素食的餐廳,而且超美味的,真是太開心了!迫不及待地想和你們分享一下~
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樹脂粘土でバラと小花のリースを作りました。 ちっちゃいバラ作りはとても楽しい作業なので また作りたいです。 赤い実はアクリル絵の具にメディウムを混ぜて透明感とツヤ感を出しています。 チャンネル登録Twitterインスタグラムのフォローをお願いします。 http...
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What makes the perfect black and white cookie? Melissa Clark is on a quest to find out. She went to some of the most famous places...
Check out http://lawnfawn.com to see our products, more ideas and inspiration! In this video, Lawn Fawn Design Team member Chari s...
SIMPLE TOTE BAG TUTORIAL / Large Capacity Shopping bag【for beginner】トートバッグ / 핸드백 교육
pattern to print etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/listing/774386552/pdf-pattern-video-tutorial-purple-rain?ref=shop_home_active_1
Cannoli Siciliani - crispy pastry tubes filled with a flavorful ricotta filling and dipped in chopped crunchy pistachios...beautif...
This is my third Youtube tutorial video, I hope you all can enjoy watching this :D
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