Loom Beaded Bracelet Tutorial
Friend me on facebook and show me what you have made: http://www.facebook.com/aleshia.beadifulnights
earthtolylah s ETSY SHOP Hey Guys So this is my 2nd A Dark Fairytale project Boy was this one fun The base was totally different and everything had to lay flat on it instead of my usual standing pose with wind blowing hair and garments I decided that for this folk tale happily ever after never happens And Aurora does sleep for 100 years Hope you guys like it Can t wait to design more FOR SALE ON ETSY earthtolylahSTUDIO3Well I do hope that you guys enjoy this project Feel free to comment or message me for any questions or info Don t forget to LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE Oh and check out my other YT Channels below Love Ya Lylah Family YouTube channels LYLAHMATION MUSIC YOUTUBE AUDIO LIBRARY
Friend me on facebook and show me what you have made: http://www.facebook.com/aleshia.beadifulnights
ВЫШИВКА:ЯЙЦО FABERGE \EMBROIDERY: FABERGE EGG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xor6AgzehMo&index=7&list=PLrm-4ZIHKg7cVPgKYeiKOn-Dry...
✓ Welcome to Cheese Heaven!!! Because in this video we visit the UK's first Cheese Wheel stall, they're serving up freshly hand ro...
さっとスプレーで綺麗にするのはクリニークです♡ メイク道具は清潔にしておくと肌荒れも防げるとか・・!
As we celebrate our 10th Birthday Bash here at Missouri Star we cannot thank you, our fans, enough for all of your love and suppor...
生き物にサンキュー!!トコトン掘り下げ隊!すごくかわいい子猫 #10!2017年9月21日。 ↓↓チャンネル登録お願いします↓↓: https://goo.gl/qrQoK1 共有してください、ありがとうございます♡♡♡
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