驚喜的淘寶開箱!破衣服?超讚眼鏡!可愛格子裙穿搭 Taob...
生活動態追蹤IG:peri168 🦄 你的支持是我創作的動力,喜歡影片請幫我按個讚,我會很開心❤️ 新朋友歡迎訂閱頻道► http://bit.ly/periyoutube
FASHION TRENDS SPRING SUMMER 2020 how to wear themRunway fashion is a creative source of inspiration for Spring Summer In this video I present 6 1 trends that I noticed with trend boards and I explain how to wear the trends in real life Thumbs up if you liked this video If you subscribe to this channel and click on the bell you will be notified when a new video goes live New videos Wednesday at 5pm Paris Berlin time Take care Justine SEEN OR MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO Trend boards Links to the clothes coming soon in the same blog post or check back here a bit later I AM WEARING CREDITSPhotos Music This video already comes with English subtitles To write translations for this video To contribute further languages for any of my videos Thanks a lot to everyone who helps translating my videos MORE VIDEOS 20 ways to wear a scarf My video series on building a capsule wardrobe How to recognize good quality in clothes How to find the perfect red lipstick for your skin How to find your personal style How a shirt should fit when it fits right How to tell if a color is warm or cool What do the colors you wear say about you SOCIAL LINKSShop my clothing collection Shop my jewelry collection Register for my newsletter max 2 3 times per month Business requests only info justineleconte com MY FASHION DESIGN VIDEO EQUIPMENT My video equipment My fashion design equipment Legal disclosure those links are affiliate links There are here for you to see the products and prices If you buy a product through these links I get a small share of the price without the product being more expensive for you You don t have to use those links It is up to you This video is not sponsored fashion style fashiondesigner fashiontips lifestyle
生活動態追蹤IG:peri168 🦄 你的支持是我創作的動力,喜歡影片請幫我按個讚,我會很開心❤️ 新朋友歡迎訂閱頻道► http://bit.ly/periyoutube
2019年の春に向け1月2月3月と、CEZANNEの新作コスメが続々と発売されます🌸そこで今回は1月と2月のコスメをレビュー! 大注目の単色アイシャドウは、プチプラで絶妙な色味と繊細な発色がとてもオススメです❤️
Фоторамки своими руками. Декорирую рамки для фото. Отличный вариант для подарка!
Hello! Today we are making Neckline Embroidery For Kurtis. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe!
This is how the best butter in France is made. Artisans at Le Beurre Bordier hand-shape butter in front of you.
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루루와 츄츄는 딱 붙어다니는 단짝 고양이예요!
The Great Utterance Calligraphy Mural by Cryptik LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!!!
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▼今日のオススメ動画はこちら 😻「田舎で保護した子猫デュフィが大きくなるまでの成長記録【去勢&体重5倍】」 https://youtu.be/djaT9MZuT_I
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