人間と猫、チラ見の応酬!〜Cats and humans s...
Awesome DIY Squishy Notebook tutorial This super cute soft and flexible stress relieving toy is not just a toy but an actual notebook you can write on it s pages Then wash pages in a water and you ll have new clean pages again Every thing you will need for this super cute notebook is super cheap and can be found in every house Such as kitchen sponges some stretch fabric fleece or old T shirt craft felt acrylic felt thickness 2 mm and three binder rings To write on the pages you can use any writing object but I recommend to use regular colored felt tip pens They are easy to wash out By the way you can use this DIY Squishy Notebook as a mini pillow I tried worked great LolMeasurements if needed Ok I used 8 kitchen sponges 5x7 5x2 5 cm each So both parts of notebook s cover were 10x15 cm each The pages Size of every page width of the notebook cover plus 0 5 cm so my were 10 5 cm each length minus 1 cm so my were 14 cm Love Create Discover Idunn
Anna’s excitement for Halloween has no limits. Therefore, she has made decorative Halloween ornaments, which perfectly fit the col...
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/katyabobcat
Hey Beauties!!! Today I am going to be going through hundreds of makeup palettes and tell you the ones that I would keep if I coul...
저의 메인직업은 케이크선생님입니다 :) 그 중에서도 플라워케이크 작업을 오랜시간 해오고 있어요.
大阪から遊びに来たハナの双子こむぎは、現代っ子らしく物怖じしないフレンドリーな性格。 それに比べ昭和的トゥーシャイシャイボーイ&ガールのコタローとハナ。 2人でこむぎの周りをちょこまかしてますが、どうぞお好きに腹見せスタイルのこむぎにオタオタ。 そして楽しい時...
I made REUSABLE GROCERY BAG today. It is easy to make and practical.
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