How To Make Matcha Mille Crepe Cake (Recipe) 抹茶ミルクレープケーキの作り方 (レシピ)

by Just One Cookbook

How To Make Matcha Mille Crepe Cake (Recipe) 抹茶ミルクレープケーキの作り方 (レシピ)


Matcha Mille Crepe Cake is made of thin layers of green tea crepes stacked together with fresh whipped cream in between This elegant and decadent cake will wow your guests when they see the rich green layers Prep Time 20 minsCook Time 40 minsTotal Time 60 minutes 3 hours inactive time Serves 1 10 inch cake Ingredients 1 ¾ cup whole milk 1 ¾ cup 400 ml 3 Tbsp granulated sugar3 large eggs1 ½ Tbsp melted butter 1 ½ Tbsp 25 g 1 cup cake flour 1 cup 138 g 2 Tbsp matcha green tea powder 2 Tbsp 12 g ½ tsp baking powderneutral flavor oil vegetable canola etc for cooking crepes Fresh whipped cream1 cup heavy cream or heavy whipping cream 1 cup 240 ml 3 Tbsp granulated sugarTo serve2 tsp matcha green tea powder for dusting Fresh whipped cream optional please double the recipe above but make the second batch right before you serve FOLLOW JUST ONE COOKBOOK COOKING EQUIPMENT MUSIC Music courtesy of Audio Network VIDEO EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE Adobe Premiere




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