HERE IS PART 2. For this time, I gonna do makeup on my friend with the KINASHEN unique makeup look. I try to make it 100% look ali...
How to sew an apronエプロンの作り方胸の部分に見返しをつけて しっかりした仕立てのエプロンです 型紙なしで出来る 基本の作り方をご紹介しています FINISHED SIZEH 84cm x W 86cm 33 x 34 MATERIALS Fabric 90cm 140cm width 36 x 55 width InterfacingI hope you enjoy your sewing time 完成サイズ 縦 84cm 幅 86cm 材料 生地 140cm幅の場合 約 90 cm 生地の幅が140cmより狭い場合は 50cmほど多めに用意してください ひもは途中で繋ぐか 耳に対して横にとってもOKです 本来は 地の目 耳の方向 に沿ってカットした方が扱いはしやすいので出来れば生地は余分にあった方がベターです 動画の指定サイズで作ってもらうとバランスよくなるよう作っていますが 自由にお好きなサイズに変えてもお楽しみいただけます Please subscribe to my channel Instagram Twitter Facebook note MY TOOLSミシン Sewing Machine布用ハサミ Scissors定規 Ruler接着芯 Interfacing MUSICWe are free Windy Up Here Perfect by Ikson Sewingtutorial Apron
HERE IS PART 2. For this time, I gonna do makeup on my friend with the KINASHEN unique makeup look. I try to make it 100% look ali...
Check out the ultimate S.W.A.T. team... made up of adorable kittens! Drone swats, dog swats, baby swats, you name it these cats ha...
Шёл третий час самоизоляции, мы развлекались, как могли. Сова всё понимает, но мыть лапки отказывается, говорит, что это ноги, а н...
Transforming into Elizabeth Taylor in today's makeup tutorial, alongside some fascinating facts from her life. Classic beauty! Thi...
A tiny pet bunny rabbit eats celery! The rabbit loves eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and crunchy celery is one of the rabbit'...
100% Not Sponsored ... but these are my Top Picks for you to grab at Sephoras VIB sale that's good until Tuesday Aug 27th. xo's ~...
Max went wild, how many peanut butter cups did Max make you may ask? Well let's just say the answer might surprise you. The temper...
Egg salad is an easy, healthy recipe that can be with or without mayonnaise, depending on your preference. Learn how to make a cl...
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