How To Transplant Seedlings - Full Information

by Urban Gardener

How To Transplant Seedlings - Full Information


HOW TO TRANSPLANT SEEDLINGS IN GARDEN BED OR IN POTS EASILY FAST AND EASY WAYHOW TO START FLOWERING PLANTS FROM SEEDSDAIZZ S TIP After you prepare your garden beds and harden off the seedlings it s time to transplant your seedlings into the garden Transplant seedlings on a calm cloudy day if possible Late afternoon is a good time because plants can recover from the shock of transplanting without sitting in the midday heat and sun Your garden soil should be moist but not soggy If the weather has been dry water the planting area the day before you plant Moisten the soil in your flats or pots so it holds together around the plants roots when you remove the plants from their containers The general rule of thumb is that when a seedling has three to four true leaves it s large enough to plant out in the garden after it has been hardened off When you plant a seed the first leaves to emerge are the cotyledons These leaves will look different from leaves that will grow later The purpose of these leaves is to provide stored food to the seedling for a short period of time True leaves grow shortly after the cotyledons The true leave emerge and start generating energy through photosynthesis that will help feed the plant for the rest of its life Making sure that the plant has enough of these leaves to keep it sustained when planted out in your garden is important to its proper growth MUSIC Creative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0




  • by ひのき猫 672

スーパーボールに夢中になるひのきがかわいいです^^ 夢中になりすぎて豪快にズッコケるひのきに癒されます♪

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この度もご覧いただきましてありがとうございます。☺️ どことなく年末の雰囲気を感じる11月の終わり。 焦らず急がず、平常心で過ごしていきたいものです。 掃除の最中に思いついた来年の目標。 今日からでも心がけて行こうと思っています。


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