Ice Americano, Caffe Latte / Suncheon Korea / Korean Street Food / 아이스 아메리카노, 카페라떼 / 순천 청춘웃장

by 푸디보이 FoodieBoy

Ice Americano, Caffe Latte / Suncheon Korea / Korean Street Food / 아이스 아메리카노, 카페라떼 / 순천 청춘웃장


ℹ InformationIce Americano KRW 3 000 USD 2 6 Caffe Latte KRW 4 000 USD 3 4 아이스 아메리카노 카페라떼 Ice Americano Caffe Latte Wiki None Price KRW 7 000 USD 6 0 Location 전라남도 순천시 북문길 40 C동 2층 청춘웃장 동외동 2F C Dong 40 Bungmun gil Suncheon si Jeollanam do Republic of Korea Google Map Naver Map Kakao Map MusicNone CommentThank you so much for Watching my VideosHave a good time and feel free to Subscribe my Channel 푸디보이 FoodieBoy E Mail foodieboy sandbox co kr All Made by FoodieBoyDirected Created Written Edited CopyrightCopyright 2017 FoodieBoy All Rights Reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws



かまってほしい柴犬と空気を読んだ黒猫 Jealous Dog...

  • by Momo and Tenももと天 908

もも「なんで天がパパに抱っこされてるの!?」 天「歩いてたら捕まった」 もも「ももだって抱っこされたいのにぃいいいい!」 天「どうぞ」ヒョイッ もも「なんか、、、大人げなくてごめん(´・ω・`)」 天「いいよ(いつものことだし)」