New Nail Art 2017 Top Nail Ar...
New Nail Art 2017 💟💟 Top Nail Art Compilation #195 💟💟 The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas #195 💖💖 Thanks for your watching this vid...
Ingredients 300ml water300ml almond milk10g assam CTC10g ginger5 pieces cardamom10 pieces cloves1 ceylon cinnamon stick1 2 tbsp palm sugarInstructions 1 pour water in a sauce pan add cinnamon cardamom clove and ginger 2 bring to a boil then simmer for a few minutes3 add assam CTC keep simmering for another 3 minutes 4 add almond milk heat it up and add palm sugar 5 strain and enjoy 材料 水 300mlアーモンドミルク 300mlアッサムCTC 10g生姜 10gカルダモン 5粒クローブ 10粒セイロンシナモンスティック 1本パームシュガー 大さじ1 2 作り方 1 鍋に水 シナモン カルダモン クローブ 生姜を入れます 2 沸騰させ 3分ほど弱火で煮ます 3 アッサムCTCを加え さらに3分ほど煮ます 4 アーモンドミルクを加えて温め パームシュガーを加えます 5 漉したらエンジョイ I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Instagram peaceful_cuisine Equipments etc Camera Sony A7SIILens FE 35mm F1 4 ZA SEL35F14Z Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mmMic RODE Videomic Pro Monitor Atomos Ninja AssassinTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7Edit Adobe Premiere Pro CC
New Nail Art 2017 💟💟 Top Nail Art Compilation #195 💟💟 The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas #195 💖💖 Thanks for your watching this vid...
My original designs are free to use in all your personal work for craft fairs and art shows however if you are to copy them for s...
Suzie demonstrates 2 techniques to Correct a Strong Curved Nail in this detailed tutorial.
夏休みは、私の机の後ろでこんなバタバタがしょっちゅうですw 最新LINEスタンプ
Napoli Street Food - let's keep it simple
初次洗澡小水獺嚇到哭哭 下一秒馬上變游泳高手XD 那個哭哭的聲音小編直接融化😍
庭でキャンプごっこ。Maru&Hana taste a camping feeling in the garden. Blog: Instagram:
В этом видео, как вы уже догадались, я показу маникюр с вензелями, с которыми справится даже новичок) Такой дизайн ногтей простой,...
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