Nakshi kantha design stitch-22,how to stitch nakshi kantha,নকশী কাঁথা সেলাই
Nakshi kantha design stitch 22 how to stitch nakshi kantha নকশ ক থ স ল ইMy other social media Id web missanjiarabegum blogspot comNakshi Kantha design stitch is a 100 years old Bengali traditional art It is well known in Indian subcontinent such as Bangladesh Indian state West Bengal and Tripura Nakshi Kantha s Nakshi word has come from Bengali word Naksha In this design generally used simple thread and old cloth Nakshi Kantha designs are made in every district especially in Faridpur Jessore Rajshahi and Mymensingh Basically Run Stitch is used in Nakshi Kantha design where colorful thread and clothes are also used that combinedly turned into Nakshi Kantha Once upon a time the Nakshi Kantha used for family purpose but its popularity is increasing very rapidly And now it is made for commercial purpose Nakshi Kantha is a century old tradition in Indian subcontinent
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