New Drugstore Makeup Review | LOreal Les Macarons Lipsticks

by Zabrena

New Drugstore Makeup Review | LOreal Les Macarons Lipsticks


Testing out some new drugstore makeup with my friend Karynne We tried out the new Les Macarons pro matte liquid lipsticks from L Oreal side by side and shared our thoughts so you get two perspectives with this video It s more fun with a friend I also conducted a wear test with one of these at the end of the video so you can see how they wear throughout the day worth it or NAH Get the new L Oreal Les Macaron lipsticks here Links included are affiliate links Makeup reviewed in this video was sent as a PR package by the company my opinion is my own regardless of if the makeup is free or 100 Thank you to L Oreal for being gracious of my opinions and unafraid to express them What Am I Wearing At the end lips L Oreal Mon Caramel Maybelline Blushing BeigeShop my lash line Cruelty free synthetic and human hair styles S N A P C H A Tzabby babeI N S T A G R A MZabrenaXOT W I T T E R ZabrenaXOF A C E B O O KZabrenaXOS N A I L M A I L235 Apollo Beach Blvd 214Apollo Beach FL 33572 Thank YOU for watching XOXO Z



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