PLANT SHOPPING & NURSERY TOUR || McNaughtons Garden Center +More

by Jaclynn's Jungle

PLANT SHOPPING & NURSERY TOUR || McNaughtons Garden Center +More


Hey plant fam Thank you for coming back to my channel If you re new here WELCOME Today we re checking out two plant nurseries McNaughton s Garden Center in Cherry Hill New Jersey Metropolitan Plant and Flower Exchange in Paramus New Jersey Enjoy Find me on Instagram and let s chat jaclynns jungle Find McNaughton s on Instagram here Music Dime by Phillip E Morris Wander by Ikson I do not own this music Find the artists on Instagram here PLANT STUFF YOU MIGHT LIKE DISCLAIMER Any links listed above may be affiliate links which means that I do make a small commission if you purchase using that link within 24 hours of clicking on it This is of course up to you you do not have to purchase through my link However if you choose to support this channel so that I can continue to create better content for you I greatly appreciate it I would never recommend anything that I do not use and trust myself PLANTSHOPPING NURSERYTOUR HOUSEPLANTS GREENHOUSE



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