Metallic Grey Eyeshadow Tutori...
Welcome back to my channel! Today I'm showing you how to achieve this pretty metallic grey eyeshadow tutorial using only 2 eyeshad...
Welcome back to my channel! Today I'm showing you how to achieve this pretty metallic grey eyeshadow tutorial using only 2 eyeshad...
Let’s Halloween Party!今年のハロウィンは手作りアイテムできらめきをプラスして☆ きらきら可愛い♪「かぼちゃランタン風サンキャッチャーの作り方」を動画でご紹介! お好みのパーツでアレンジしても◎ ぜひ作ってみてください!
TIMESTAMPS: 00:51 DIY transparent lip balm 03:01 How to get the perfect eyeliner 06:13 Glitter eye makeup 09:02 Fixing a broken li...
DIY ROOM DECOR! 25 Easy Crafts Ideas at Home | 2017
皆様、こんにちは。 MAINEE(マイニー)です。 いつもご視聴ありがとうございます。
今天和大家分享比较不同的主题,邀请大家来我家跟我一起吃早餐,走一趟Morning routine. 这套步骤的从The Miracle Morning学来的,之后也经过了自己改良。看起来很多内容,其实一个小时之内一定能完成的,也不需要逼自己,根据每天的心情和安...
I know you guys love these Pat McGrath palette looks, so here's another one. Let me know if there are any specific palettes or loo...
Today, I'm getting ready for the day using the new Natasha Denona Glam eyeshadow palette! This is the first look I created and so ...
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
#002 豚肉と茄子のココナッツカレー
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