Husky Puppies First Swim!! [CU...
Soooooo hello everyone. Yes I want to cry. It’s like with my children when they do something for the first time it makes me sound ...
Soooooo hello everyone. Yes I want to cry. It’s like with my children when they do something for the first time it makes me sound ...
I received an interesting message from someone asking why I don't call it what it is - 'spending' and suggested influencers use th...
Our cats get some new toys and other presents for Christmas! :)
Super cute way to make a stress-relief toy - mini Zen Garden with swimming pool. Draw on sand with mini rake and remove leaves fro...
これの足バージョンもあります。 あとよくソファの背もたれの上に登って首元に近づいてくる時もあるのでその時は枕にするんですけど、それは怒られます。
Drawing process: a little practice
壹個貓罐頭,騙來綠眼踏雪壹家七口,賺大發了!|和貓住 什麼?貓罐頭買一送七? 貓罐頭和綠眼踏雪壹家七口的緣分,開始於此..
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