
What happens when you do bad a...

  • by Lioba Brückner 1249

Hey, lovelies! In this video, I show you the creation process of this self-portrait! This is a painting which I don't like that mu...

My DIY Wedding Plates & Tables...

  • by Girl and The Word 945

☀️ All of my home decor: ☀️ My peaceful soundtrack: ☀️ My camera gear: https://bit.l...

Ponto Ajour e Canto Mitrado Ap...

  • by Cláudia Roveri 847

Nesse vídeo, você vai aprender a fazer de forma simples e bonita o canto mitrado e o ponto ajour. Para embelezar os seus trabalhos...

New Viral Nail Art Trends 2018

  • by Beauty channel 2444

Hello everyone, welcome to our channel. We mainly make beauty compilation videos. We do not own the videos. Credits are below :). ...


  • by Pastel Cat World 835

戸の向こう側でガサガサしながらもなかなか入って来ないボス吉。 名前を呼ぶとすぐに戸を開けて入って来ましたが、この日はやたらとにゃ~にゃ~鳴いて何かをアピール。 どうやらボス吉はブラッシングをして欲しかったようでしたが、もしかしたら姉さんを探して鳴いていたのかも...