TheKellyYang 每日上班妝容 ft. 蘭蔻零粉感超...
Hi 大家~ 歡迎來到每個月的當月美妝精選分享時間!!!! 以後會每個月挑選兩個美妝品合作試用來跟大家分享 (除非上一個月的影片因為行程安排問題被往後推延, 不然每個月我都盡量限制在兩個美妝影片!)
Hi 大家~ 歡迎來到每個月的當月美妝精選分享時間!!!! 以後會每個月挑選兩個美妝品合作試用來跟大家分享 (除非上一個月的影片因為行程安排問題被往後推延, 不然每個月我都盡量限制在兩個美妝影片!)
0:00 I'm wearing a black gothic straight long wig. COSPLAY😄 (The wig cost 1,480 yen. The gothic blouse cost 1,294 yen.) 0:41 Glow ...
Baking School is in session! In the series premiere, Claire reveals her trade secrets for baking light and airy cake layers, using...
These DIY Christmas Sweaters are so easy and cheap to make and they're the perfect way to make your wardrobe a little more festive...
Here's a room tour of the master bedroom in the new house. We're still renovating most of the house, but I will try and do a tour ...
Sooooo hello everyone! The last 24 hours has been so busy. For the first couple of days we have decided to have her at my fathers ...
Hey YouTube, today's makeup tutorial features some of my favourite easy-to-use cream eyeshadow sticks!! This is the perfect tutori...
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