毎日メイク2018春ver.ゆる〜く喋りながら✨/My Ev...
Today we are doing a full makeover using only Claire's products! New Video's Fridays & most Sundays !! Instagram: @miamaples Sna...
It's a great time to plant and I'm putting in four new varieties of shrubs.
Heyooo babes! Who's excited for a Valentine's Day makeup tutorial? CUZ I AM!! Also tell me what you are up to this Valentines in t...
Este es un punto crochet que se puede aplicar en cobijas, mantas, almohadones, guardas de cortinas, etc. Se teje muy fácilmente.
Full Face Of NOTHING New *amazing products I forgot about*
おもちゃを咥えると、鈴を鳴らし続けちゃうはな。When Hana has a toy in her mouth, she keeps ringing a bell.
セリアの新モールドで ゆめかわスマホケース作ったよ。
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