
CP值爆表! APIEU 彩妝開箱試用心得-上集: 底妝/眼...

  • by Hello Catie 1685

A'pieu是我個人認為平價韓妝中最划算的品牌 單色雙色眼影都是百元左右, 單色腮紅200左右, 底妝200-400不等 都是比普遍開架都還要低的價格, 但不論是包裝質感或是產品品質都有一定的水準 講到CP值沒人比得過a'pieu啊 ✌ More Catie ...

Tutorial For Simple Flowers Pa...

  • by Namaste Embroidery 1166

Follow along to learn couching (as a fill stitch), interlaced herringbone stitch, woven fill stitch, wide based picot stitch and r...


  • by KathleenLights 1981

HEY, GUYS! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I share all of my fav beauty products of the past month with you guys! I hope you e...

まるのおへそ。-Marus belly button.-

  • by mugumogu 1024

まるがへそ天でぐうたらしてたので、おへそを探してみました。はなはへそ天でぐうたらすることはないけれど、はなのおへそも探してみたい。I want to look for Hana's belly button, too. Blog: http://sisinma...