Sachertorte [FOOD VIDEO] [스윗더미 . Sweet The MI]

by 스윗더미 . Sweet The MI

Sachertorte [FOOD VIDEO]  [스윗더미 . Sweet The MI]


Sachertorte Subscribe and Like always thanks Unsalted butter 150g Powdered Sugar 60g Egg yolk 5 Vanilla extract 1tsp Dark chocolate 150g Egg white 5 Sugar 90g Cake flour 120g Cocoa powder 30g Apricot jam Dark chocolate 250g Heavy cream 100g8inch cake pan 338 170 30 40 min e mail mi__im0 naver com music by Vexento F17Vexento Worlds Away Camera Panasonic LUMIX GH4Lenses Leica DG Macro Elmarit 45mm LUMIX G X VARIO 35 100mmVideo editing software Sony Vegas Pro 13 0Mic ZOOM H6 RODE NTG 2



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