生き物にサンキュー!!トコトン掘り下げ隊!すごくかわいい子猫 #10!2017年9月21日。 ↓↓チャンネル登録お願いします↓↓: https://goo.gl/qrQoK1 共有してください、ありがとうございます♡♡♡
僕のそば打ちは完全に自己流です どうか そば打ちで検索されて来た方達はこの動画での打ち方は参考にされませんよう よろしくお願い申し上げます 笑Soba means buckwheat in Japanese and is Japanese traditional food probably making soba noodle is one of the most difficult things to master please note Don t try this recipe lolto make 100 soba noodle You ll need stone ground and really fresh buckwheat flour I think it is almost impossible to get such buckwheat flour outside of Japan When you come to Japan go to soba restaurant where serves 100 buckwheat noodles it s called Ju wari soba I hope you ll like this NO music video I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Camera LUMIX GH4Lens COSINA Voigtländer NOKTON17 5mm F0 95Mic RODE video mic proSoftware Apple Final Cut Pro X
生き物にサンキュー!!トコトン掘り下げ隊!すごくかわいい子猫 #10!2017年9月21日。 ↓↓チャンネル登録お願いします↓↓: https://goo.gl/qrQoK1 共有してください、ありがとうございます♡♡♡
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↓是非チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします! https://goo.gl/6BYhcn
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